PETITE&MARS Bamboo muslin comforter Hugo 0m+ - Take&Match: Misty Green

8,90 Eur

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To make the baby sleep well

Cute bunny Hugo, made of soft bamboo muslin, has one secret hobby. Most of all, he likes to snuggle up in bed and sleep. He's a great buddy and cuddle toy for the littlest babies. Hugo loves to cuddle, bringing a feeling of warmth and tenderness. No one is alone with him. He is very pleasant and soft to the touch, he can soothe the baby after a hard day.

It is a toy safe for babies from birth. Thanks to its practical shape, even little baby hands can easily hold it. In addition, a small rattle is hidden in its head, which makes a pleasant sound.

The material from which Hugo is sewn is of high quality and complies with Oeko-tex® Standard 100. This means that every single component of the material is safe for baby and contains no harmful substances.

Bamboo fibers are very soft, compared in their softness to silk. Their antibacterial and skin-calming properties make them a fabric that nullifies bad odors and is ideal for allergy sufferers. Bamboo products require the right temperature during washing to be able to preserve their structure.

  • Size: 34 x 30 cm
    Material: 70% bamboo, 30% cotton, filling: 100% polyester.

Bamboo properties:

  • High water absorption
  • Very lightweight
  • Hypoallergenic - suitable for sensitive skin
  • Extremely soft to the touch
  • Thermoregulatory properties - slightly cools in summer, slightly warms in winter
  • Airy
  • Odor-resistant

In addition to the cute bunny, the bamboo muslin range also includes Moussy and Misty bamboo diapers and swaddles.

ags 92, s.r.o., Drahobejlova 2515/18, 190 00 Prague, Czech republic

Take&Match Dusty RoseMisty GreenIntense Ochre
Age 0 m+
Material Bamboo